Mar Thoma Suvishesha Sevika Sanghom (Delhi Diocese)


President                     : Rt. Rev. Dr. Euyakim Mar Coorilos Suffragan Metropolitan

Vice-President             : Rev. Saju John

Secretary                     : Ms. Susan R. Chacko


Diocesan SevikaSanghom is one of the vibrant and active organisation working wholeheartedly for the purpose for which it was incepted 100 years ago.  Sevika Sanghom memebrs actively take participate in all activities of the diocese, parish and in centre level. During the year 2019 Rev. Jerry John ( Gwalior MTC)  was  the clergy Vice President, Mrs. Aleyamm Philips  (Kolkatta MTC) as lady Vice President,  Mrs. Mini Varghese (Bhopal St. Peters MTC)  as Secretary and Mrs. Blessy Benny (Bhilai MTC)  as Treasurer . The executive committee met thrice for chalking out various programmes and its implementation. 

Some of the major activities undertaken during the reporting year 2018-19 are as under:


Annual Study conference: 9th annual study conference was held during 21-23rd September 2018 at St Mary's School, Mohali, Chandigarh. 320 delegates including Achens took part in the three dayconference.  Mrs. Daisy Mathew from Kerala was the leader for the conference and gave extensive talk and insight in the theme " Women Witness to the Glory of the cross".

Secretaries conference:  A conference of the Presidents, VicePresidents, Secretaries  and Treasurers of all shakhas in Delhi Dioceses was held on 22ndSeptember at Mohali, Chandigarh.

Bible quiz competition: A Bible quiz competition was conducted for the members on 2nd September 2018 at various Parishes of the diocese, based on the book of Jermiah from the old testament and epistle 2nd Peter from the New Testament.  A total of 130 members took part in the written competition.

Book Sale: During the Diocesan Convention from 22nd November to 25th November 2018,  Diocesan Sevika Sanghom organised sale of Books at convention venues . The profit of Rs.3,600.00  raised through this sale was contributed for Diocesan activities.

Medical Camp: We arranged a villager's meet, medical camp and medical awareness programme on 13th March 2019 at Sehatganj, Raisen Dist. Bhopal. A team of three doctors and their team spent their valuable time to make it a success.  250 people from different villages  took advantage of the camp. These programmeswere conducted and coordinated with the help of Sehatganj Mission.  All necessary financial support was extended by the Diocesan SevikaSanghom.

Centenary Celebration: As part of the Centenary celebration of Mar Thoma Suvishesha Sevika Sanghom, Delhi Diocesan Sevika Sanghom is also organised at St. Mary's School, Mohali, Chandigarh on 22nd September 2018.

Financial Assistance: As in previous years this year too we took part in the conduct of Sevika Sanghom stall at Maramon Sand bed. During this year too constituted an endowment of Rs.50000.00 to Dharma JyotiVidhyaPeeth.

During Mar Thoma Suvishesha Sevika Sanghom Grand finale Centenary programme  at Marmon Convention on 9th February 2019, 180 number of women folk from this diocese took part in the meeting.