Dharma Jyoti Vidya Peeth
Alexander Mar Thoma Centre for Theological and Developmental Studies
Affiliated to the Senate of Serampore College (University)
Dharma Jyoti Vidya Peeth is an expression of the Malankara Mar Thoma Syrian Church’s commitment to provide platform for committed Christian youth platform for theological and developmental studies. Ever since its inception in 2000 as the memorial of Late Alexander Mar Thoma Metropolitan, Dharma Jyoti has grown as a centre for committed missionary training, visionary theological learning and devoted ministerial formation.
By the Grace of God, Dharma Jyoti has completed 19 years of her dedicated service and entering into the vicennial year. Rev. Dr Koshy P. Varughese left for his new assignment on 29th April 2019 and Rev. Dr. Sunni E. Mathew assumed charge as the new Principal.We thank Rev. Dr. Koshy P. Varghese for the effective leadership and dedicated service rendered to this institution in the past.
New Academic Year:
Students reached the campus on 22 June 2018. On Sunday, 24 June the students, Faculty and their family attended the Holy Qurbana service at All Saints Mar Thoma Church, Faridabad. Rev. Dr. Sunni E. Mathew led the Holy Communion Service. We thank the Vicar Rev. James Thomas and members of the parish for their hospitality and kind support.
Academic Year 2018-19 was inaugurated with Holy Qurbana conducted at the Seminary Chapel on 25 June 2018. Governing Board Chairman Rt. Rev. Dr. Gregorios Mar Stephanos Episcopa Thirumeni celebrated the Holy Qurbana. In the midst of the service, Rev. Dr. Sunni E. Mathew was formally installed as the New Principal.
Faculty Retreat was conducted on 25 June, 2018 after the Holy Qurbana. It was led by Rev. Dr. V. S. Varughese, our former Principal and presently serving as the Professor of Religion at the Mar Thoma Syrian Seminary Kottayam and Registrar of FFRRC, Kottayam. First semester Community retreat was conducted on 26 June 2018 and Rev. Dr. V. S. Varughese led the retreat.
The Second Semester commenced with Holy Qurbana led by Rev. Dr. Sunni E. Mathew, the Principal. Community Retreat was held in the afternoon. It was led by Most. Rev. Dr.Yohanon Mar Demetrios, Metropolitan of the Delhi Diocese of the Malankara Orthodox Church. Retreats were times of contemplation, self-examination and re-dedication. We express our sincere thanks to the leaders.
Faculty Members:
- Rev. Dr. Sunni E. Mathew (Principal, History of Christianity)
- Rev. Binu J. Varghese (Bursar, Religion)
- Rev. Joseph John (Registrar, Theology)
- Rev. Manu Varghese (Warden, Old Testament)
- Ms. Sobha M. (Christian Ethics)
- Rev. M. P. Solomon (Christian Ministry)
- Rev. Jose Punamadom (Communication)
- Rev. Dr. Abraham Mathew (Mission)
- Rev. Eappen Varghese (History of Christinity)
- Rev. A. B. Binu (History of Christianity)
- Dr. (Mrs) Mariamma James (New Testament)
Ms. Sobha M. joined as a resident faculty this year. Rev. Thomas Kurian and Rev. Vinoy Daniel also took classes.
Governing Board:
A Governing Board under the Chairmanship of Rt. Rev. Dr. Gregorios Mar Stephanos Episcopa gave leadership in the overall development of Dharma Jyoti Vidya Peeth. The Governing Board met two times during the year and took necessary decisions. The Governing Board comprises of:
- Most Rev. Dr. Joseph Mar Thoma Metropolitan (Patron)
- Rt. Rev. Dr. Gregorios Mar Stephanos Episcopa (Bishop of Delhi Diocese - Chairperson)
- Rt. Rev. Dr.Geevarghese Mar Theodosius Episcopa (Co-Chairperson - Bishop of the Mumbai Diocese)
- Very Rev. C. A. Varghese
- Rev. Dr. Sunni E. Mathew (Principal)
- Rev. Binu J. Varghese (Bursar)
- Rev. M. P. Solomon (Diocesan Secretary (Ex-officio Member)
- Mr. P. T. Mathai (Diocesan Treasurer (Ex-officio Member)
- Rev. Thomas Kurian (Member elected by Delhi Diocesan Assembly)
- Rev. Roby Jacob Mathew (Member elected by Delhi Diocesan Assembly)
- Mr. P. C. Abraham (Member elected by Delhi Diocesan Assembly)
- Mr. Thomas Idiculla (Member nominated from the Delhi Diocese by the Chairman)
- Rev. Joseph John (Faculty Representative)
- Rev. Jai Varghese (Delhi Diocese Sabha Council Member)
- Mr. N. Sunny (Delhi Diocese Sabha Council Member)
- Mrs. Binu Mary Babu (Delhi Diocese Sabha Council Member)
- Dr. John Mathew (Member of Outside Kerala Diocese nominated by the Chairperson)
- Rev. Dr. Prakash K. George (Representative of the sister theological institutions of the Mar Thoma Church nominated by the Chairperson)
- Two members to be elected from Mumbai Diocesan Assembly.
The student body of Dharma Jyoti represent different denominations, cultural and linguistic backgrounds. There are students from Orissa, Andhra Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Karnataka, Kerala etc. Ecclesiastical affiliations represent Syrian Orthodox, Gossner Lutheran Church, Chaldean Church, Independent Church and the Malankara Mar Thoma Church. At present we have a total strength of 60 students for BD course; BD IV- 17, BD III- 10, BD II- 17. BD I-11, BD Or, - 05.
Practical Work:
As part of the academic requirement, students were sent for practical work to different parishes and mission fields to get ministerial experience. Students are also attached with NGOs and institutions which take care of social and medical empowering responsibilities among the physically challenged and marginalized communities. These exposures help the students to understand the realities of this time. They are also sent to various mission fields. That provides them with exposure to various mission field realities and to develop relevant mission methodologies through engaging theoretical understanding with practical experiences. Staff Chaplain Rev.Binu J. Varghese co-ordinated the practical work.
Courses Offered:
Dharma Jyoti offers Bachelor of Divinity (both integrated and regular), Bachelor of Christian Studies, Diploma in Christian studies and Diploma in Clinical and Pastoral Counselling under the Senate of Serampore College (University). Under the umbrella of Nav Jyoti Post Graduate Research Centre Dharma Jyoti also participate in M.Th. program. Rev. Dr. Abraham Mathew served as the Registrar of NJPGRC.
Diploma in Clinical and Pastoral Counselling Course:
DCPC course for this year commenced from 25 July 2018. This year five students registered for the program. The classes were conducted at St. John’s School, Greater Kailash. We place on record our thanks to the Principal Rev. Eappen Varghese for providing the space. Rev. M. P. Solomon served as the co-ordinator.
Bachelor of Christian Studies:
We have a total of 15 students undergoing Bachelor of Christian Studies; Fourth Year – 7, Third Year – 5, Second Year 1, First Year – 3. Two contact classes are arranged each year. Students come to this campus and stay for a few days and participate in classes. One student undergoes Diploma in Christian Studies also. Rev. Manu Varghese served as the co-ordinator.
Cultural Night was conducted on August 03, 2018:
A cultural program was arranged for the Community on 03 August 2018. It was a time for the students to express the God given talents and make others enjoy. It also gave the community an opportunity to know one another more and experience the warmth of fellowship
August 15 & January 26:
Special services were arranged to celebrate national days Independence Day and Republic Day. It was a time to affirm our commitment and allegiance to the nation. It was also a time set apart to pray for the country. On both the days national flag was hoisted by the Principal. The Principal also gave the message. On Independence Day a friendly Volley Ball match was also conducted for the community. On the Republic Day parish members from Faridabad MTC came and spent the time with friendly matches and fellowship meal.
Annual Sports and Games:
The annual Sports and Games were conducted with much enthusiasm. Community was divided into four groups. Competitions were tight but were healthy and with sportsmanship. Annual Sports was held at the Infant Jesus Higher Secondary School, Sanjoepuram ground. It helped us to accept win with humility and failure with grace. We thank the Manager, Principal and other authorities of Infant Jesus School for allowing us to conduct the sports there and also for the co-operation and guidance given for conducting the competition events
Faculty Colloquium:
A Faculty Colloquium was conducted on 12 October 2018 at the Seminary Chapel. Ms. Sobha M. led the colloquium on the topic “Politics of Virginity: A Christian Ethical Response.” Final year students also participated.
Lay Training Program:
Dharma Jyoti has arranged lay training program in collaboration with the Delhi Centre Edavaka Mission. Classes were arranged at the Mar Thoma Centre, 26 Bhai Vir Singh Marg, New Delhi. Seminary faculty members took classes on various subjects. Two of our faculty members Rev. Eappen Varghese and Rev. Joseph John served as the co-ordinator.
Easow Mar Thematheos Memorial Lecture:
The 12thEasow Mar ThemathiosEpiscoapa memorial Lecture was conducted on 29 January 2019 from 2.30 P.M. to 4.30 P.M. at the Seminary Chapel. The lecture was given by Rev. Jacob K. Samuel of the Utkal Mission.
Light to Life Program among the Sapera Community:
Mr. Sajan Roby served as the projector Manager. Mr. Rajesh served as the co-ordinator. 5 teachers from the village help the project. Rev. Binu J. Varghese is the staff advisor. We have 140 students associated to this project. Students of Dharma Jyoti helps the project though their presence and leadership. They teach songs, moral stories and other methods. They used to go there in rota basis.
Sapera Light to Life Christmas Carol service was conducted at DJVP courtyard on 12th December 2018 from 4.30 onwards. Children of the Sapera Project presented different programs and the Seminary Choir presented Carol Songs. Principal gave a short Christmas message. All the major national events were celebrated. Dinner was served for the students and those who accompanied them to the Carol service. Annual Day was conducted on 26th February 2019.
Christmas Carol Service:
This year’s Christmas Carol service was conducted on Sunday 08 December 2018 at the Seminary premises. Rt. Rev. Dr. Gregorios Mar Stephanos Episcopa was the chief guest. Seminary Choir led the service by presenting melodious songs. Faculty and family and kids in the campus also presented carol songs. Most of the songs were written and composed by our students themselves. A short drama with the title “Idamthedunnavar” was staged which was written and directed by our students. It was a time to offer thanksgiving to God who provided literary and musical talents.
World Sunday School Day:
World Sunday School Day was celebrated on 02 November 2018 for the Sunday School Students of the campus. The whole community participated in the rally arranged before the evening worship service. Sunday School students presented various programs. It was a time of thanksgiving and affirming the role and worth of our children
Women’s Day Worship:
Women’s day was celebrated in the campus on March 08, 2019 with worship service. Women members in the community gave leadership and Mrs. Sujith Binu gave the message. Women’s choir presented a melodious song also.
Sadhu KochukunjuUpadeshi Memorial Lenten Recital:
Sadhu Kochu Kunju Upadeshi memorial Lenten Recital was conducted on Sunday 24 February 2019 at St. Peter’s Mar Thoma Church, Patpatgunj. 8 choirs presented different songs of Sadhu Kochu Kunju Upadeshi melodiously. (Choirs of St. Peters Mar Thoma Church, Ebenezer Mar Thoma Church, Vikaspuri, CNI Malayalam Parish, Mayur Vihar, Mar Thoma Church Gurgaon, St. Thomas Mar Thoma Church, Karol Bagh, Dharma Jyoti Vidya Peeth participated.) We express our sincere gratitude to all choirs for their melodious songs. We also express our heartfelt thanks to the vicar and office bearers of St. Peter’s Mar Thoma Church or their hospitality and various other arrangements.
Talent Competition for the school children (Painting and Elocution competition):
Under theo-eco forum. As the part of our social involvement among the society around a talent competition was arranged in the Seminary Campus for the school children. Competitions were held for elocution and painting. Around two hundred students from various schools from nearby places participated. Prices were distributed in the meeting held immediately after the competition.

Worship and Holy Qurbana:
Worship is central to Dhrama Jyoti life. Each day starts with meditation followed by public worship in the chapel in English. In the evening also personal meditation and public worship are conducted in an organized manner, Evening service is conducted in Hindi. At 10.30 P.M. vespers are offered. Wednesday morning, we celebrate the Holy Qurbana. Faculty achens and other invited ministers give leadership. On Sundays, Holy Qurbana services are conducted as per the availability of achens, otherwise ordinary services are conducted under the leadership of students. Usually students give the sermons during the Sunday worship services. During the great lent, Lenten worship order in English is use for evening service.
Library is a vital part of the seminary. It remains open from 9 AM to 5 PM. Reading room is open from 8.30 PM to 10.15 PM. Mrs. Sijo Mathew serves as the Library Assistant. Student librarians render support for the smooth functioning of the library.
Office and Ground Staff:
Mr. Shibu A. Thomas serves as the accountant cum clerk. Our thanks to him for his help in the effective functioning of Dharma Jyoti and maintaining update accounting and other matters associated with academic works. Also express thanks to the Diocesan Office staff Mr. Lijo for his support and help.
Chottu and Naresh helped in the Kitchen, Mr. Shyam, Mr. Siya Ram, Mohan and Sumant help in the campus and in the farm and Pramod help as drive
Cultivation and Harvesting:
This campus is a green campus. We give adequate care to carry out cultivation and keep the environment clean and tidy. We cultivate the land with wheat, Basmati rice, Tapiocca, mutter and pulses. Students and faculty participate in the harvesting. This attachment with nature helps the community to see the worth of and commitment to the Creation of God. It also gives a practical side to understand creation theology and eco-theology.
A book title Mission in Transition: Indian Experiences was jointly published with ISPCK, Delhi. Rev. Dr. Abraham Mathew and Rev. V. M. Mathew were the editors.
Annual Day and Convocation:
Annual day and convocation ceremony of 2018-19 was conducted on March 17, 2019. 17 students were awarded diploma in Theology and five students were provided course certificate for completing DCPC course. Rt. Rev. Dr. Euyakim Mar CoorilosEpiscopa, Dicoesan Bishop of the Kottarakara-Punalur diocese of the Malankara Mar Thoma Syrian Church gave the valedictory speech and gave away the diploma certificates. Thirumeni also gave the merit certificates to those students who secured meritorious achievements in academics and general proficiency.
One source of income of the institution is the grant from the Sabha Office and Dharma Jyoti Sunday offertory. Unfortunately for some reasons beyond our control Dharma Jyoti Sunday Day could not be celebrated for the last three years. We hope that Dharma Jyoti Sunday could be celebrated in the coming years. We heavily depend on support and sponsorship from friends and well-wishers. We are grateful to various parishes, organizations and friends for the support extended to us.
Jubilee 14 Mission Seminar:
Jubilee 14 Mission Seminar was conducted at the Seminary Chapel from 18-20th March 2019. Rt. Rev. Dr. Geevarghese Mar Theodosius Episcopa and Rt. Rev. Dr. Euyakim Mar Coorilos Episcopa were present. Rt. Rev. Dr. Geevarghese Mar Theodosius Episcopa inaugurated the Seminar where Rt. Rev. Dr. Euyakim Mar Coorilos Episcopa presided over the inaugural meeting. Dr. Felix Wilfred gave the keynote address. Mr. Sunil Sardar, Mrs. Anita Cherian, Fr. Dr. Julian Saldana and Rev. Blysu Varghese presented papers on different topics related to mission and mission methodologies. Around 35 people participated that included 12 international students. It was organized under the leadership of Rev. Dr. Abraham Mathew.
Rev. Dr. Sunni E. Mathew