Gram Jyoti


The society was founded for education, development and charity work among the under privileged people in the north Indian villages. The society is working as a light to various villages  of northern and eastern India covering about 13 states.

The Society was registered as a charitable institution by the Commissioner of Income Tax in accordance with IT Act 1961 and granted exemption U/S 80(G). The Society is also registered under FCRA.

There are 23 schools/ balvadies presently under the Society .The details are:-Balvady-2, Primary—3 ,Middle School- 9, High Schools-4,Higher Secondary Schools—5. The society has two development projects in hand. This is operated with the financial support and grant received from Compassion International. They are Padosi Child Development Project Nagpur and Chirag Bal Vikas Project, Munsiari District - Pilthoragarh - Uttranchal in Indo-Tibetan border area.  Some of the important welfare measures undertaken by these projects are:

            Providing mid-day meals to the children in the slum/ villages.

            Cover the education of the children.

            Extending various helps to the parents for their livelihood.

            Provision of text  books, stationeries, uniforms to the children.

            Extending medical helps to children and their  parents.

Unfortunately Compassion funding has stopped and we have to think of alternatives. The Most Rev. Dr. Joseph Mar Thoma Metropolitan is the Patron and Rt. Rev. Dr. Gregorios Mar Stephanos Episcopa is the Vice-Patron of the Society. Rev. Mathews Philip serves as the President of this Society.